

CULTSKIN® Lab is a 12 month subscription service which entitles the patient to one advanced skin treatment every month for a year!

Polynucleotides: A new skin booster! This treatment aims to rejuvenate and improve skin quality, restore radiance and freshness, promote bio-regeneration and restore skin tone and elasticity. Mainly administered to target tired, hollowed eyes and improve the appearance of sagging skin in the peri-orbital area, it can also be used to treat other areas of the face, with another common area being Nasal Labial Lines. Upon examination the treatment can also treat the neck, jawline, décolletage and body, including scars and to stimulate hair growth.

Popularly used within the medical industry for decades previous and now revolutionising the aesthetics industry, Polynucleotides are used to remodel the skin using highly purified fragments of DNA. They’re Biopolymers – stretchy molecules made from fragments of fish DNA, extracted from salmon or trout which closely resemble human DNA. They’re then filtered, with protein molecules removed, therefore removing any risk of allergy.

Unlike typical Hyaluronic Acid based Skin Boosters, PND’s kick-start regeneration in the skin and act more like food or medicine for the cells. They work to make cells produce more collagen, elastin and Hyaluronic acid in a more meaningful, natural way, also improving the extra cellular matrix [the layer of the skin in which the fibroblasts live] and they possess anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and hydrating effects, therefore resulting in skin that looks and feels healthier!

Polynucleotides FAQs

For optimal results, 3 treatments are recommended per area, to be administered 3 weeks apart.

Thereafter, a maintenance treatment is recommended every 9 months for most, unless you’re CULTSKIN® Doctor or Dr Esho advises another round, but this is dependent upon what is trying to be achieved/targeted.

In comparison to other skin boosters, due to the nature of the treatment, Polynucleotides can be treated in a large variety of areas such as the face, neck, décolleté, hands, body, scalp and also intimate areas!

Typically administered via a cannula, and sometimes micro-needled in the more superficial layers of skin towards the end of treatment, redness, possible bruising and slight swelling should be expected initially. However, patient and area dependent, having followed the aftercare advice given, this should subside anywhere from a few hours to a few days after treatment.

After the first treatment, you should start to see results and positive changes from the skin quite quickly. The product continues to work for the first 12 weeks, so continues to improve with time. This is only exaggerated after the second and third treatments within your treatment plan, to further optimise results!

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Polynucleotides FAQs

For optimal results, 3 treatments are recommended per area, to be administered 3 weeks apart.

Thereafter, a maintenance treatment is recommended every 9 months for most, unless you’re CULTSKIN® Doctor or Dr Esho advises another round, but this is dependent upon what is trying to be achieved/targeted.

In comparison to other skin boosters, due to the nature of the treatment, Polynucleotides can be treated in a large variety of areas such as the face, neck, décolleté, hands, body, scalp and also intimate areas!

Typically administered via a cannula, and sometimes micro-needled in the more superficial layers of skin towards the end of treatment, redness, possible bruising and slight swelling should be expected initially. However, patient and area dependent, having followed the aftercare advice given, this should subside anywhere from a few hours to a few days after treatment.

After the first treatment, you should start to see results and positive changes from the skin quite quickly. The product continues to work for the first 12 weeks, so continues to improve with time. This is only exaggerated after the second and third treatments within your treatment plan, to further optimise results!